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Nos partenaires Européens


In order to join forces and share their experiences to contribute even more to the massification of energy renovation on a national scale, the Third-Party Financing Companies, energy renovation assemblers, formed a national association in early 2022.

Initiated by the Regions and Metropolises, the Third-Party Financing Companies provide integrated solutions to homeowners and condominiums for their energy-efficient renovation projects. In order to amplify their action on a national scale, they formed an association at the beginning of 2022 and, on this occasion, adopted a designation to describe their field of activity : SERAFIN for "SErvices territoriaux de Rénovation: Accompagnent et FINancement" (=Territorial Renovation Services : Support and Financing).

The SERAFIN network of associations was founded by : 

The six Third-Party Financing Companies, founders of the SERAFIN network, are public or semi-public organizations providing integrated technical, financial and support solutions for the energy renovation of housing.  
These solutions, which drastically simplify the renovation process for households, make efficient renovation accessible to all. Their activity is part of the services provided by "Mon Accompagnateur Renov'" currently being defined by the Ministry of Ecological Transition.

So far, SERAFIN members have carried out the efficient renovation of 6,000 homes, representing an investment of €132 million, and they have issued 1,300 loans for a total amount of €40 million.

What is a Third-Party Financing Company, according to the Construction and Housing Code?

Third-party financing companies, as defined by Articles L. 381-1 et seq. of the French Construction and Housing Code, are companies set up on the initiative of regional and metropolitan councils, which aim to make energy-efficient renovation simple and accessible to all. They also contribute to the development of the skills of VSEs/SMEs in the construction and public works sector.  

The legislative status of third-party financing companies allows them to offer technical and economic support to individual owners and condominiums, adapted to the characteristics of each territory and to the market context : audit, work scenarios, financing plan, choice of companies, monitoring of the construction site, consumption, etc.  

Based on a relationship of trust and general interest, their missions can be those of Assistant to the Project Owner, Project Manager, Delegated Project Manager or General Contractor.  

In addition to the technical offer, the third-party financing companies provide the project owner with a financing service for the renovation project, either by financing them directly (by exception to the banking sector from which they can benefit), or indirectly thanks to a status of intermediary in banking operations (brokerage).    

Their financing offer makes it possible to carry out the efficient renovation project by implementing financing solutions adapted to the needs of households : 

- Pre-financing of subsidies and loans ;
- Taking into account the energy savings generated by the work in the financing plan ;
- Staggered repayment periods (15 to 25 years depending on the work) ;
- Collective loans to condominiums, which are currently not widely distributed by the banking sector.

The objective of SERAFIN is to maximize the energy gains, based on the "living expenses" and the energy savings to evaluate the repayment capacity of households and to set the limit of the budget for the feasible works. This leads to more ambitious technical choices compared to when the objective is to maximize the subsidies to reduce the budget of the work to be carried out by the owners.  


The project has been developed by 11 partners, bringing a wealth of complementary knowledge on a wide variety of topics including: support for energy renovation projects, building ventilation and insulation, financing, legal expertise, construction insurance, and more.

The project’s goals:

  • Faciliate the sharing of resources: methods, skills, feedback, etc. in order to promote the development of third-party financing companies in France. Pool the resources of third-party financing companies (studies, procedures, development of IT tools, etc.).
  • Ensure the reliability and stability of the sources of financing of third-party financing companies, to guarantee their renovation financing offers. Facilitate the use of European funds (ERDF) by the Regions. Collaborate with banks for a “green labelling” of loans for energy renovations.
  • Design and implement the compliance and quality control framework for energy renovation works. Design a quality assurance offer to guarantee a high standard for renovation works. Issue 1,500 quality guarantees associated with offers from third-party financing companies in 3 years (2021 – 2023).

For further information :


ProRetroProRetro supports owners of residential buildings who want to renovate their house. Within the project One-Stop-Shops are developed and put to test in five German cities and regions.

The German project partners are regional energy agencies and small and medium enterprises. Organisations from other European countries that have experimented with and implemented successful One-Stop-Shop business models support the German project partners. Peer-to-peer learning will ensure the project’s success. The project is coordinated by the Wuppertal Institute.

ProRetro aims to:

  • overcome barriers to residential energy efficiency renovations by offering new One-Stop-Shop services to customers in five German cities/regions
  • conceptualise, plan, implement and monitor and evaluate the new One-Stop-Shops
  • cover the whole customer journey of a building renovation from audit/advice, planning, contracting, implementation and monitoring and approval – and involve respective stakeholders/experts in the service offer
  • prepare their continuation beyond the project lifetime

The project’s structure


For further information :


Logo Triple A - Hauts-de-Frnace Pass RénovationDelft University of Technology, city of Antwerp, city of Breda, Kent County Council, City of Mechelen, City of Rotterdam, EOS Oostende, Ghent University Fluvius and PSEE work together in “Triple-A: stimulating the Adoption of low-carbon technologies by home-owners through increased Awareness and easy Access”.

Triple-A, coordinated by Delft University of Technology, is funded by the European Interreg 2 Seas program and co-financed by the European Fund for Regional Development (ERFD) under grant agreement No 2S02-029, for the period January 2017 – June 2021
Triple-A will gather specific knowledge and will lead to models for local authorities in Belgium, the Netherlands, France and the UK with the aim to increase the market uptake of energy-efficient single-family home renovations.


The project contributes to :

  • Local supply chain collaboration and innovative business models
  • Strengthening web portals
  • Development of pop-up centers for consulting homeowners
  • Increased awareness of a wide range of technologies using demonstration exemplars and home energy management systems.

Do you want to encourage private homeowners in your region to implement low-carbon technologies in their homes? Are you looking for more inspiration or concrete examples to support your ambitions? Then this page will offer you a lot of useful information to make a great start!

Start by downloading our practical guide with recommendations for local authorities. It is available in English, French and Dutch.
Encouraging energy efficient home renovations: recommendations for local authorities (English)
Encourager la rénovation écoénergétique de l’habitat: conseils à destination des collectivités territoriales (Français) 
Energie-efficiënte woningrenovaties stimuleren: aanbevelingen voor lokale overheden (Nederlands)

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Copropriétés en projet

11 Copropriétés rénovées